
I am from Rochester, NY where I had lots of friends. Now I live in Arlington, VA and have a lot less friends. I hope you like my blog. If so, maybe we can be friends. Even long-distance or e-friends are okay with me. Thanks.

Monday, May 04, 2009

H1N1? Not in scrabble!

At least the bird flu (H4N1) was scrabbalogically correct. H is worth 4 points, not 1!

How does one get swine flu, pray ask?

My unqualified, yet highly probable, theory of how the pig flu came about...a pig got the flu from his owner who always was guilty of "spraying it" rather than "saying it." He wasn't feeling well (because he had the flu) and took it out on his piggies (the flu is a people sickness, yes?). The said pig had low levels of white blood cells/fighter t-cells, and thus a weak immune system. And as a result, the flu mutated into something much worse, like a killer flu. Then that person's son smoked some weed and had an unexplainable craving for something salty, so he licked the infected family pig (she was the hottest one, which explains why the rest of the pigs on the farm became infected so easily). Then he took public transportation.

The devastating effects of the pig flu can be seen in the pic below, so please take extreme precaution when making out with infected pigs. The swine flu will "kill" your chances of procreation.

Random thought:

I think the worst part about being a pig is that by the time you can enjoy your life (by eating lots and lots of bacon), you're already dead. And someone else is doing the enjoying of/for you.


Blogger Hazel Designs said...

Licking infected family pigs is what you do, isn't it?

7:48 PM  
Blogger Hazel Designs said...

That sounded wrong.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Sniffer said...

Hah, that picture is awesome. :D

9:20 AM  

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