
I am from Rochester, NY where I had lots of friends. Now I live in Arlington, VA and have a lot less friends. I hope you like my blog. If so, maybe we can be friends. Even long-distance or e-friends are okay with me. Thanks.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Mussels & more muscles

Last week I went to a tapas restaurant for a going away dinner for a friend of mine who is going to Iraq (we are praying for you Andy). My girlfriend and I ordered steamed mussels. I don't remember ordering an order of reject steamed mussels, but that's apparently how the staff interpreted it. One of my mussels was actually attached to another mussel by a rubberband-like stringy thingy. I wasn't sure if they were conjoined mussels or were caught while in the act of "doing it." Either way I didn't consume them. But they consumed me, at least me brain for a while. To this day (6 days later) the anomaly still baffles me. I am hoping it wasn't siamese mussels--I almost took them home to put them on ebay!!

I also was served a baby mussel. I did take him home. He is in my freezer. I'm not sure why. He is cute. He hasn't grown much yet.

I have more muscles than I did last year, or at least bigger ones. Take that!!


Blogger monger187 said...

Your story disgusts me.

1:00 PM  

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