
I am from Rochester, NY where I had lots of friends. Now I live in Arlington, VA and have a lot less friends. I hope you like my blog. If so, maybe we can be friends. Even long-distance or e-friends are okay with me. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

How ya like me now, beeeotch???

If I could be any famous person, I'd be a famous person that wasn't famous yet. Then I could hit on lots of chicks and get turned down because I'm a no-good-lookin no-body, but little do they know they're turning down the next big thing!! Then I could ask them out again, and if they say "yes" I could say "psych" and wave my right hand above my right ear like I'm fixing my right side of my hair.


Blogger monger187 said...

I'm already a famous person that's not famous yet! My wife doesn't really like it when I hit on lots of chicks though.

10:02 AM  

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